2025 Parade Friday July 4th- Theme TBD- Fireworks Tuesday, July 1 st at Dusk
Our annual fundraising campaign is a year-long effort. Please consider making a donation to PayPal or our GoFundMe.
Donations can also be sent to PO BOX 808 Block Island, RI 02807

Our parade and fireworks show are celebrating their 40th year. The original iteration of the Double Ender Committee, the “Fun Committee” was established in 1984 when First Warden, Edie Blane, worked with the town council to establish a group of island residents charged with organizing a parade and fireworks shows for Independence Day. The first celebration kicked off in the summer of 1985. Blane said, “In 1961, for the tercentenary, we had fireworks like you wouldn’t believe. At the end, there was the American flag, all in fireworks. And then the fog came rolling in at the end, like a shade, I’ll never forget it. And so when I was elected First Warden in 1984, I asked the Council if we're going to plan something for the Fourth of July. It’s shameful if we don’t do something, I said. We had a Fun Committee, but then they wanted to be separate from the town and became the Double Ender Committee. That’s how it came to be and it has grown and grown and grown.” Trodson, L. (2017, May 26) July 4th Parade expenses adding up. Block Island Times. https://www.blockislandtimes.com/article/july-4th-parade-expenses-adding/49452
Since its beginnings 40 years ago, the Double Ender Celebrations committee, a 501C4 non-profit civic organization, organizes the 4th of July festivities on Block Island. Funded entirely by donations from various sources, the committee handles tasks such as booking and organizing fireworks and parade bands, coordinating transportation for crews and bands, generating fundraising campaigns, recruiting volunteers, and organizing parade floats and musical acts. We hope you can join us this year and enjoy one of Block Island cherished island traditions!